Here is a note I posted to my facebook page earlier this year. I originally entitled it as Happiness but I think
By John Victor Morgan Robinson - originally posted on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at 10:40am In Facebook Notes.
Have you ever noticed that everything around you was once a thought? Have you ever focused on your breath or even your heart beat? From the external to the internal, the world seems to have a complexity beyond explanation. And yet, if we really take time to pause, we connect with our internal knowing of how it all works, we just can't put it into words. Most people have never stopped long enough to notice the impact they have on everyone and everything. We keep chasing ideas and behaving in ways we’ve learned from other people in doing the same thing. With fear as the main motivation, we find ourselves reacting to the outside world just to realize the fear we feel, is nothing more than the absence of knowledge. In every moment there is a perceptual dichotomy, if we are not aware of this dichotomy of things being both positive and negative, we literally go through life getting bumped around by the outside world. What makes it positive or negative? Is it actually happening or is it our perception of what is actually happening? Does that moment have a dichotomy? Depending on how we answer these questions, will give us insight on whether or not we’re aware of our choices. If we take a silly example like sticking our finger into a light socket, is there a dichotomy in that? Without knowing what it is, we quickly realize, there is a negative feeling of pain. However on the positive side, we acquire knowledge to prevent a reoccurrence and also save others from doing the same. By attaining wisdom in every moment, we live in front of our lives and live in a way which we create instead of react. If we think about it, every moment has those principles, even if whatever is happening is so bad there seems to be no way to see the positive. It might be hard to see or to understand, but the positive is there. It would be nice if everything was really obvious, however I’ve come to the understanding that without the challenge of finding the positive in the moment, there would be no growth. Most of us have gone through some terrible experience just to find out, in hind sight, it was the best thing that ever happened. If we never find the positive in any given moment, how are we ever going to learn anything about that moment? What is life going to feel like? By learning from every moment, we acquire the knowledge to prevent future suffering. Most of us are trying to be happy, but get frustrated to find out we keep sticking our finger back in the same socket. To create the life we really want takes passion and commitment to see that there are no ordinary moments. With that awareness we start to take responsibility for every moment and we put value back into our lives. With that value we start to attract what we want. With practice, we can achieve awareness that gives us the freedom to live the life that we can only imagine. From the physical to the spiritual, everything we do, think or feel creates a reaction in the universe that conspires with or against us. How do we know if the universe is conspiring with or against you? What comes first, the feeling inside or what happens outside? Depending on how we answer this question will determine how happy our life will be. And depending on how happy we are will determine the capability of attracting what we want. There is no way around it, we simply have to take responsibility for absolutely everything in our life, internal and external without exception.